Zohar Kfir: Blackbox workshop report

28 April 2010

Hello all,
Before leaving to Germany and acquiring an additional jet-lag over the one I already have -- some of my delayed thoughts as an external viewer of the occurring in the BB-MP experience.

What I found most fascinating while observing the behaviors of people is the fact that instantly after wearing the gear, speech became slower (even droopy and careless) to the point the space/time shifted even for me. the slowed down speech created an additional layer in the space, alternating it to my 'here and now' Vs. "their time, mind-space & experience". this separation lead me to feeling external from the delayed space, but at the same time I could definitely palpate its behavioral boundaries.

At times the behavior patterns in the room shifted to seem as if some 'substances' were involved, as if putting on the headphones was a magical puff :)
which can make one wonder-- can a delayed passage of time serve as 'natural' endorphins?
Though, the fact that I was behind the camera during the whole experiment might have contributed to my alienated-voyeur experience,gazing at the happening mostly through a screen.

As for the rig's basic setup--
6 pack wireless set (from Hexagram)
Motu (from TML)
3 Minidisc players (Tim)
1 Digital recorder (Tim)
10 ft headphone extension cords (TML)
One laptop with max/msp patch (Tim)