Jhave Johnston scenario ideas

Contributed by Jhave, Thanks :)  - Xin Wei

On 2009-09-19, at 10:47 AM, david jhave johnston wrote:


Perusing the inline note (specifically the description of project) for the second time
an idea for one line of research-art occurred to me,
i jot it down and send it over....(it's just a seed):


Exploring identity's place-things through negating conventional place-things.

An immersive isolation experience: it occurs in a small sound-sealed room with walls of video and surround speakers,
each viewer-subject enters this room alone. They agree to stay there for a duration (1 ?  3? or 12? or 24 hour periods?). 

The video footage content is all of the familiar world of subject-viewer
(an archive of home-movies that the subject has brought with them -- or had recorded for them -- specifically for the immersive experiment)

Initially, normal playback occurs, the viewer-subject watches their life, people they know, places they visit, their homes, families. They hear voices they know, sounds that are emitted by their lived environment......Slowly and progressively over the duration of experiment, all the video is shredded and converted on a gradient of destruction until it is an intense flickering  pure white light. In parallel, the familiar sounds of the subject slowly disintegrate into a set of pure sine waves. This change should occur slowly and almost subliminally; like flickers of amnesia, mould, corrosion, diffusion (suggestion of disintegration model: fluid dynamic simulators or Gray-Scott-- perhaps the subject's activity rate could be like pebbles dropped into memory archive pool). 

In the final segment, light intensity is linked to sound intensity. The room breathes light and an abstract sound beyond identity, all signifiers have been stripped away. The subject is reflected back onto their own  mind. Note: the duration of the preliminary 'normal' (pre-disintegration) playback of video is the same as the duration of this final segment of white-light-white-noise.

On entry and again on exit, a questionnaire (online & direct into db) is administered to the subject-viewer. 
One of the questions on exit is: Which was longer, the period during the beginning or the period at the end of white light? 

No watches, cellphones, ipods, pdas, or other communication devices are allowed in room. 


ok, so maybe not so feasible! maybe too elaborate!
but it's sure fun pondering, and i will enjoy listening in and watching the group evolve....

thanks for the inspiration,


Memory + Place Project

Memory+Place Experiment: http://memoryplace.posterous.com
Memory Seminar:
Learning-To-Be: http://lrn2b.blogspot.com
MP Project Blog:

WIKI MP Project:

1 response

Interesting ideas from Jhave. <o:p></o:p>

A quick note: on a quick glance this emphasizes home recording as a way of drawing in the memorial dimension. Xin Wei’s critical remarks about the head-mounted gear was worried about an ocular emphasis and disembodiment. <o:p></o:p>

Earlier, before we had experimented with the myvu goggles, we had been thinking of a setup that would probe the sort of displacement (of body and world together) that Stratton felt when he donned the ‘inverting goggles’. Namely, we had been thinking of a rig where the participant wears video goggles and a headmounted camera and gps, fed through a backpack computer, and manipulated in various ways (e.g.: invert image, delay, superimpose with images recorded last week at same place etc), and of having participants wear the rig in their own home. <o:p></o:p>

I.e., this was sort of like Jhave’s, but instead of bringing the home into the lab, it would bring the lab into the home. Might be easier to do. <o:p></o:p>

But I think a key thing might be: how to vary the participant’s memorial relation to place as mediated by body and bodily habits? We want place and body to be concrete terms, and place can’t really be varied either practically or logically. (I say logically, because if we follow Casey and Husserl, place is precisely: the invariant (although variable) ground through which alone experience is possible in the first place.)<o:p></o:p>

Earlier, from something Tristana said, we developed a sort of relation between ground and jointedness: ground is what allows us to develop joints, articulations, habits ways of moving; fixed habits become relative grounds, because fixed habits lose articulateness, or the articulacy becomes implicit. But still, some ground is needed.<o:p></o:p>

